What's your opinion of designer bags with signature logos plastered all over them?
Example: Bourke and Dooney, Michael Kors, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Coach, etc.
Tacky or cute?
Example: Bourke and Dooney, Michael Kors, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Coach, etc.
Tacky or cute?
Favorite Answer
While I like designer bags, I find bags covered with signature logos ugly and tacky.
I think it's a little ridiculous that you're buying a bag that is literally the same as the bag at Target, except that it has the Coach logo all over it and it's $300 instead of $30.
I think they are a huge waste of money when you can buy a bag that functions just as well and serves the main purpose of it at Wal-Mart for $10 to $20. Why spend a huge amount of money just to brag to others you can afford to throw money away? I could think of a million other things I could spend that money on other than making someone who is already rich richer by buying their overpriced items.
Tacky and looks like you're trying to show off.
I could care less about designer bags. They're way too expensive to waste money on I think.