How big do cougers run? I herd there 100 pounds.And are they very strong.Heres what Im wondering we have cats?

and some thing a bout cats is that for there size they are really strong.There back legs are very power full specially and 2 of ours can jump clear to the top of one of there jungle gums from the floor.Now codgers are cats and I was speculation that if they are as strong as house cats compared with there size then they can jump real far and hi and some thing that ways 100 pounds jumping from 25 feet coud kill a person even if the couger dident use its teeth.
COud a couger kill some body just from jumping on them


I dident only mean jumping down I ment a cross to.I sad a bout our cats jumping stait up for an ecksample so a across to like long ways. They can go clear a cross corner of the room were we got out cat houses and thats 6 foot and 7 inchs.


Favorite Answer

To be honest I don't believe that a cougar would jump down ON someone from 25 feet. Even jumping down from a cliff they look for small breaks along the way. Just because they can run that quickly doesn't mean that their joints would be able to take a fall like that.

Male cougars get upwards of 150lbs, while the females are around 100lbs. What you seem to be asking is if something weighing that much fell on you from a distance of 25 feet if you would be killed.

It would be possible to survive. The teeth however are the least of your concerns. Cougars can shred flesh from the bone with their claws alone. No teeth needed. The teeth are just to pull muscle and fat from the bones of their already slain, or injured prey.


It's possible, if the cougar manages to hit the person with enough force, it could cause the spinal column to snap.