If some one rases raceing gray hounds and uses live animals how can you proove it and get it stopped when you?
I live on the outside of a small town. At corner of one branch of the rode we live on theres a place that trains gray hounds. You cant see evry thing from the rode and theres alot of bildings. Now a few years back some people told some news paper a bout it and some animal people. THen after a wile its like no body cares no more.
How woud some one proove some thing horrbel is happening with out your name in it. See the ones who are doing it is related to the governer of my state.
What can I do to stop animals being tore to death?
Theres problems on accownt every one knows every body and its hard to figure out who you can trust you gotta be care full cuz theres money and politics and a politshian in this. And I reckon theres no living animals vermin that deeserve to be tore up a live or hurt ever. Any animal die it have to die so fast it dont know it like my poultry without no pain or terrer.
Theres some of us a bout to stir this up agan Now my ankles spraned and I cant climb up over the place to see whats behind there trailers. They move them a round so you cant see every thing from the road.
It aint only about them dogs neether like I said its a bout all them other animals AND the dogs