Why do you support elective abortions?

I'm adopted myself and a father, and I know that when you see the baby's heart beating that little guy or girl is alive. Thats at about 10 wks. I can't imagine someone wanting to vacuum it out and kill it or understand why society thinks that's acceptable. (Unless of course the mother's life is at stake) Why not give it up for adoption and give it a chance at life?


If you don't want a baby - Don't have unprotected sex!!! If you that worried try abstinence. Then you will never have to worry about making that "choice."


So the answers I got are as follows.

I support the right to kill my unborn baby because:

A - It was an accident
B - I'm poor
C - It's my uterus
D - Pregnancy is risky

Great answers. My bet is if you had the baby you would love it and find a way to raise it. And if you do have an abortion it will haunt your conscience the rest of your life.


I think being adopted makes you pro life. Without it I wouldn't be here today. Instead of being dead, I have loving adopted parents and children of my own. All who wouldn't be here today if my mom made the choice to have a doctor suck the brains out of my skull as a fetus. If I could ever meet my real mom I'd tell her thanks for giving me a chance at life and that I don't hate her for giving me up for adoption. Actually I love her for giving me life and would want her to know that her baby made it.


Favorite Answer

This is why I don't support any abortion. There is always, always another choice.


As an adopted person myself I must say adoption is not the cure all for abortion, they are two entirely different decisions. You are entitled to your opinion of course but it is unethical to demand a woman carry to term just to surrender or for any other reason. By doing that we would negate the rights and autonomy of the pregnant woman for 9 months giving the fetus precedence over the woman and her choices, capabilities and beliefs. I don't understand how anyone can be okay with that. A woman's private decision doesn't even effect you in any way.

And as an adopted person I would imagine you know the heart break of some biological mothers who suffer the rest of their lives and the countless adopted kids who felt unwanted and live in pain because of the fact they were adopted. You should go ask this very question on the adoption board, some of those people will tell you just how unhappy they are with their choice to surrender or having been adopted. Adoption isn't always all happy and sweet.

Your edit there is exactly the reason why men shouldn't be involved in this debate. Every time a woman gets pregnant she may have to make that choice. All pregnancies don't go as planned, birth control isn't 100% effective. No one plans on having an abortion. Why don't you try getting pregnant just to have the fetus stop growing three months in and see how easy that choice is. Why don't you have multiple miscarriages where your body obviously made the choice for you then have someone tell you that your mind isn't allowed to make the same choice. Why don't you tell a 50 year old menopausal woman who has no idea she can still get pregnant that she has to carry that fetus to term, or that she should abstain, better yet tell her husband. Do you honestly think you have any right to insert yourself in these decisions that women face?

The world isn't as black and white as you seem to think, there are so many reasons a woman's right to choose should be protected. No one cares that you think a woman should be abstinent or that a baby is a " consequence" because it is so much more than that.


I can't imagine how it can be so difficult for anyone to realize why someone might not want to carry through a pregnancy?
What kind of magical world of unicorns and pots of gold at the end of rainbows do you live in that it's honestly so difficult to understand that some people just don't want to be pregnant?
Or that some people just aren't in a situation where it would be wise to carry out a pregnancy?

Is it really that hard to understand that children need more than the bare qualities of "life" to truly live?
That they need a loving home, food, shelter, clothes, and an education at the very least?
Is it really so hard to understand that not everyone can provide this for themselves, never mind any child they may have?

Adoption is an alternative to caring for a child.
Not an alternative to pregnancy.

To even consider adoption, you'd have to risk your job, your education, your health, your relationships with other people, your ability to care for the children you already have, and maybe even your life.
Not to mention, it isn't an alternative for everyone.
Foster care is filled with babies that will never be adopted.


You act as if carrying a baby to term is easy and without risk or cost. You also seem to assume abortion is an option women/couples choose lightly. I think you are wrong in both instances. While I can admire someone making the choice to give a baby up or adoption I can also understand why a women would not want to do that.


Adoption has NOTHING to do with abortions.

One would think you'd know better...being adopted and all.
I don't understand why people seem to think it's acceptable for a women to be forced to carry a baby for 9 mths and give birth. And then turn around and say she should hand it over to someone else...sick. You're a man, you can't possible understand.

My aunt is in her sixties now. She never wanted children and never had them. Are you saying that because she never wanted children, she should have gone this long without having sex? She should never have sex in her life?? Ridiculous.

I feel sorry for your child/children especially if you have a daughter or daughters.

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