Looking for a mini dog breed?

I am leaving for college shortly and lucky for me, I get to bring a pet!!!! My dad is refusing to let me take my dog I've grown up with because he thinks she will be unhappy since she is used to being able to run around...so, I am looking for a dog!! I would really like a miniature breed, like a cross...I don't want the basic mini pinchure or shihtzu or boston terrier etc.. The only small dog I would be interested in is a pug. Other than that I was looking for a cross breed like a pompsky (pomeranian huskey)... Unfortunatly I don't know too much about mized brreds of small dogs and little dogs.. Could someone give me some more information? I am basicially looking for a mini dog that is the size of something like a pomeranian or terrier etc but looks like a big dog like a shepard or boarder collie or huskey. What do you reccamend? I want good temperment that will get along with other dogs and people!


Please don't tell me to look at a shelter. Yes, i am going to look there but I am looking for people to tell me what types of "designer breeds" or "cross breeds" are good. I don't want to be told where to go to get one.


Also, I am not planning on buying from a breeder. I am going to buy locally. I am not stupid. I am all for animal rights and humane treatment.


Favorite Answer

Puggle, a mix between a female beagle and a male pug, are one of the cutest puppies you will lay your eyes on. Ranging between 15 to 20 pounds they stay small enough to take around easily. These dogs are low matinence but have tons of energy to let loose. The Puggle is an affectionate and loving dog. A Puggle is great with children, so have no worries there.

Muggin is a cross between a Miniature Pincher and a Pug. They are a relatively newer breed of dog. Great for an apartment but they have energy to burn so they need to get out and run or go for a walk.

Alaskan Klee Kai, which are sometimes referred to as miniature Huskies (but are NOT miniatures of that breed)

Border Jacks -a cross of border collie and jrt,


A Pomeranian x husky mix just SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! You cannot breed a toy dog to a husky! Although Pom's can be bred with a coat and masked face that would give you that 'husky look' that you desire...I can't help but wonder how much time that a first year college student is really going to have to devote to a puppy of any breed, size, or shape. What about classes and homework? Meeting new people, study groups, and OH Yeah!!! Parties!!! Good temperament, training, and socialization for a new pup takes a lot of time and commitment...it doesn't 'just happen'.
I hope you will give some serious thought to whether or not this is a good time for you to get a new puppy. A great alternative for you might be to use the extra time you think you will have to volunteer at an animal shelter in your new neighborhood and get your 'doggie fix' while helping out homeless dogs and gaining much needed experience before you commit to owning a dog.
Good Luck!


Go look in a shelter. there are plenty of them there. DO NOT BUY A MUTT FROM A BYB. Go to the shelter and look at dogs you like and then pick one with a good temperament and personality that suits you.

ADD: No one can give you a specific mix as the ALL come out different and it cannot be predicted what they will be like. You need to go pick one out that works for you. You can have a litter of mixes and have them all with diff personalities. Depends on the dog not the mix.


Don't choose a dog for its looks. Size and temperament yes, but not looks, these aren't important.
Go to a shelter/rescue centre and see if there are any dogs that would suit the lifestyle you are going to offer it.
Give a dog a second chance instead of promoting BYBs by buying their 'designer breeds'

Goldenly Addicted2013-07-06T09:29:20Z

Only the stupidest of the stupidest of the stupidest would breed a Pomeranian to a Siberian Husky. Infact, anybody who purposely breeds two different breeds of dogs together are terminally stupid & irresponsible. People who purchase them from breeders are just as stupid too. If you are interested in a mutt, please go purchase one at a local shelter. You'll find PLENTY of them over there.

p/s: NO such thing as a "miniature" American Eskimo. They only come in one standard size. And there's also NO such thing as "teacup" anything!

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