So my car got egged and i don't who it was or what to do. I live in an All mexican apartment and they all have POS cars and I have a new 2013 car. So my Only guess is jealousy. Since living here I now have a hatred towards mexicans. but my question is should I key every ones car in the parking lot ? ... ill park in a different lot. that's the only thing i can think of to make me feel better.
@nasty troll long story short I was working for min wage. Until recently I was blessed with a great job. So now I am living a min wage life with an above min wage lifestyle with a lot of extra $$ but I'm stuck in these apartments until NOVEMBER.
Favorite Answer
No, don't stoop to their level. What happens if it wasn't them and you keyed all their cars? What happens if they find out it was you, I dont care who are but nobody can handle 10 pissed off people. Wash your car and put a dash cam or something else to record around your car. If they do it again and get caught on video, egging is a felony depending on damage conditions. Hand the tape to the police tell them where and that the people live in your apartment complex. Paint stripper left on a car overnight would really do damage. If someone did happen to get paint stripper on their paint it would be alot worse than keying them. Slashing tires and their spare would leave them stranded for a while. Im not saying to do this.
What you should do is clean it off before it does damage to your paint. Get it waxed and carry on with your life. The more you react, the more things that will happen to your car. The less you do, the less they'll go after damaging your car. Keying other cars is nasty and the likelihood of you damaging another innocent person's car is increased and everyone will be angry or rebellious. Stirring the pot will come back on you in a bad way. Karma will get the eggers.
no, keying the other douchebags cars will only make it worse. Those types of dirtbags travel in packs, just like dogs, that's one reason they're always marking their turf, just like dogs peeing on trees and bushes. Park in a different area that's well light and do not leave anything inside the car, they'll have no qualms about busting out your window and stealing it.
If you want to get even without identifying yourself, wait till there's a bunch of them hanging out front, like they usually do because there's so many living in one apt, and call immigration. You'll watch them scatter like roaches when the light turns on, when the see that green truck or van. It's good for a laugh.
If you don't believe in Karma now someday you will, Don't ruin yours, there's is already catching up with them. even though you don't see it there lives are pretty pathetic, and chances are not getting any better, Why you chose to live in little Mexico is your business, but you can always move, Which makes me wonder why you can afford a new car and insurance but choose to live where you do. If any retaliation on your part is due I'd suggest you also add GAP insurance to your auto insurance policy, this way when your car is burnt or stolen you wont take that big of a hit. As to your personnel safety I've always preferred the H&K compact carry .45