What can America do about deceptive health officials?

1) Swine flue needing quarantined only to find it was extremely rare later?
2) Global warming - only to find out later it was just university cycle.
3) Secondhand smoke - still going on, but deception is found at every corner.
------------- The Largest study on Second Hand Smoke ever done by Enstrom
“No significant associations were found for current or former exposure to environmental tobacco smoke before or after adjusting for seven confounders and before or after excluding participants with pre-existing disease. No significant associations were found during the shorter follow up periods of 1960-5, 1966-72, 1973-85, and 1973-98.”

“Enstrom has defended the accuracy of his study against what he terms ‘illegitimate criticism by those who have attempted to suppress and discredit it.’". (Wikipedia)

------ Court rules that environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is NOT a Class A carcinogen
“There is evidence in the record supporting the accusation that EPA ‘cherry picked’ its data” … “EPA's excluding nearly half of the available studies directly conflicts with EPA's purported purpose for analyzing the epidemiological studies and conflicts with EPA's Risk Assessment Guidelines” (p. 72)


Favorite Answer

Do what we normally do with deceptive people: ELECT THEM!!! Whether it's the State house or Congress!


People need jobs and titles.


www.tobacco.org, sounds like an unbiased source.