We gonna be fixing up a new cat stud house this summer and reckon some body here coud have some nice fresh ide?
See we all ready got a set up on account we got a closed in back deck. part of it closed in and then it got an other part we added on speshial with a door with a cat door to it. Then we added an other lil out door cat home to that for any women visiters. Both them dived a way parts both got there own cat door in to the back of my kitchen.
Now after this here lady cat who aint here yet leave we gonna start remodeling!!! I was hoping you all coud show me some pictures of cat out door stud houses thats attached to the house.
All our cats they use this out door deck place cept for when its gotta be privite for one cat and a visiting cat.
It dont make no diffrence if you dont think it woud suit our house only want to see diffrent ideas!!!
All our cats spend most of there time in the house but the out side place is a sort of play room and all ready got shelfs high walk ways a ecsersise wheel a trappeese and one of them tall sona tube cat trees.
My daughter call it a stud house since we redone it for Viney hes a Bengal show cat. Supossed to be male cats will stink up your house and have to live seprate. He only done that a couple times tho and on account he was very upset. We aint having him live seprate at all and our cat play house a stud house cuz Rayless took to calling it one. What added to it were a seprate room sorta for what ever gal cat visit. So they can smell each other first and my daughter and who all else can make sure they aint gonna kill each other!!! No I dont mean that! See they all get along first.
Wanted so see some photos of other peoples stud houses!