How much are you willing to spend on a bottle of liquor?

Are you willing to spend a little extra if you think it's "good" liquor or is the quality not very important to you?


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Expensive doesn't mean it's good. This is especially true of wines. If it's genuinely great, yes. If I can't tell the difference between it and cheaper brands, nope.


Depends, most of the time I'll buy something in between like Jack Daniels or something, if it's a really special occasion, not just a party where I know everybody is going to eventually get around to drinking whatever I buy, I might be interested in buying something a little fancier


I spend $8 to $12 dollars if it's just a regular night. (R&R or Evan Williams for whiskey, Burnettes or Takka for vodka) If it's a special occasion I'll buy some Jack Daniels or some Grey Goose. But to me drunk is drunk no matter how you got there. Plus the bad stuff starts to taste better once you're drunk enough.

andy c2013-07-10T16:12:05Z

Not much, unless it is a special occasion ..


I buy what I like.