What would you attempt to do, if you knew you wouldn't fail?
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Phase out nuclear power plants.
Humanity needs to resort to sensible alternatives such as Thermal heat
Transferring up the heat from very deep in the earth, operating turbines and producing energy.
This is absolutely harmless and has no residues that would be dangerous for nature or for people or the animals. Practically an energy that can be used indefinitely.
Chance games, such as the the infinitesimal chance that everyone have of walking throught a wall of lead like a ghost via quantum tunnelling
Probably not a lot.
If I knew I couldn't fail, there would be no enjoyment in trying anything. I'd do what I'd need to survive, but anything else would become dull and boring.
For the better: It is Written. Genesis 18, they talk amongst echother, two leave, 19:1 become angels. Psalm 105/110/101 secret. Logically He's fair: For any who question their gifts (surroundings, as Moses does in the Bible), the Holy Spirit's (I call him my Guide :)))) presence or eventual presence is the real evidence/proof, Romans 8:16. Jesus's felt presence (Deuteronomy 31:6) for those in desperate need and Matthew 9:13 states Jesus wanted to live amongst us again and 12:9 shows related. Thread safely (treating this as sacred extremely important ground). John 9:11: no evolution necessary. Scientists “Amazing proof Jesus rose from the dead” and Walter J. Veith from evolutionist to creationist on youtube; Messiah's leadership only spiritual since David's throne's curse of sword, carbon dating not accurate due 1st century's maps evidence of earth splitting (don't know 2 unkwnowns, can't solve for 3rd, also); Don't DISCRIMINATE 1 Corinthians 5:9,10 against sinners (but don't yoke yourself with unbelievers) but sin=still wrong! (including Any-gay, 1 Corinthians 5:11, 13, all is permitted, fate=choose destiny+ fate=destiny's RESULTS, treat as sacred Ground (as Moses told to):) Basically, since people want free will, they're gonna get, good or bad, what they wish, what they so *wish, what they wiiished/response to their own (God judges each fairly/according surroundings:) Just in case, (and others came back, it's not right for you to make an evil choice based upon, and suffer "for the Devil's sin", basically. ThankS!!! More, more like new-destiny gift for all, since "all sinned", and initially His felt presence and conscience (that what-I'm-doing-is-wrong) for all! Real Evidence, that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just Love the Lord with all your heart, always, looking up to Him, wait. Remember and ponder, as good angels did! He'll answer you back! (Ps. It's His job to, for He is your God!)
Murder and have a clean conscious, have no police after me, not go to prison and not get sent to hell.