Could this be breast cancer? Should I get help?

I am only thirteen, and a couple days ago I was twelve. I am on my cousin`s account.
I have not had my period yet, if that has anything to do with anything. And I have never had sex.
I woke up two days ago with a sore nipple and a lump in the nipple. I thought it was just because I slept on it weird, but it`s still weird today. It is a pretty large lump. It is not normal.
The nipple is a bit bigger than normal. It is sore.
Does this sound like breast cancer? Should I go to my mum?
I know it is very rare, but everything happens to me anyway.
And I know it is possible at my age. At least, I am pretty sure it is.


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Stop right there >>> It is not possible for a young girl who just turned 13 to have breast cancer.
It may be the way you slept on it but certainly not breast cancer.
You are also bound to have lumps & bumps & a sore nipple at your
age. You are starting the developmental stage. Talk to Mom about any
health concerns . If this lump is still there in 2 days go see your doctor.
BTW Happy Birthday we may share the same birthday.


Breast cancer in a 13 year old is not 'rare'; it's unheard of. The chances are statistically zero.

If it happened the case would make news all over the world.

Most women diagnosed with breast cancer are over 50, and the average age is 62. A woman in her 40s would be considered unusually young, and a woman in her 30s would be extraordinarily young.

Fewer than 0.1% of all those diagnosed with breast cancer are under 30; most of the world's doctors have never seen a woman in her 20s with breast cancer. From 15 - 19 the chances are one in 1.3 million, which means someone that age is almost three times as likely to be struck by lightning (one in half a million chance).

And for under 15s, the chances of breast cancer are zero.

Even in women old enough for breast cancer, most breast lumps aren't cancer. And what you describe sounds nothing like breast cancer

Yes, talk to your mum so that she can reassure you. No, it couldn't be breast cancer.


Yes, you should tell your parents, the chances of it being cancer at your age are almost statistically 0 because it doesnt happen. So, the least of your worries is cancer, however, you may have an infection of some type such as a cyst or boil that may need minor medical treatment.

Only a doctor will be able to dianose it


Not even remotely close to even being considered Breast Cancer. This is nothing more than your still developing breasts...No it is NOT Possible at your age, yes, you should talk to your mother so she can explain things to you. Not "Everything" will happen to you. See your doctor, he can put your mind at ease in virtually moments.


Well firstly any issues you have or concerns you have with your body, especially of this degree you should always talk with your mother and always be grateful that you have one that you can confide in. I haven't looked at it so I can't tell you what it is. But whenever my breasts were growing I had what I'd refer to as a pill in my breasts and they tended to be very sore and tender. Even recently it happened and next thing you knew my boob grew about two days later. It was sore for about 3 (so even a day after it grew). As you go through puberty it is bound to happen but I have no Phd to tell you if it is just hormonal or if it is cancer. Definitely talk with your mother! Hope there's nothing to worry about

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