Should I bring a gift to say thank you?

I was awarded a $3,000 college scholarship from a 10 member foundation board. I am attending their next meeting to say thank you. Should I bring a small gift for each of them? And if so, what?


Favorite Answer

No, you don't need to bring a gift. I would send a written thank you to them as a group immediately - even though you'll be thanking them in person at the meeting.



Should I bring a gift to say thank you?

I was awarded a $3,000 college scholarship from a 10 member foundation board. I am attending their next meeting to say thank you. Should I bring a small gift for each of them? And if so, what?

Gene R.2013-07-15T22:25:42Z not a better option .you should try an another way such as your words that comes from your heart.congrats.
