Does Slenderman poop?
I know that all animals poop, but I don't know if he counts as an animal or what. Does he poop? Does he need to poop? I don't even know if he eats!
I know that all animals poop, but I don't know if he counts as an animal or what. Does he poop? Does he need to poop? I don't even know if he eats!
Favorite Answer
Slenderman poops alright, but they are invisible poops. He poops a lot but he is embarrassed to admit it. His poops are also soundless, but you can sure smell them. He has the nastiest poop in the world. I know this because I read it in the Slenderman Poop book and I followed him before and I smelt his poop like the book told me I would. Hope this helps you out.
He eats yeah he poops. He poops out the bloody bones of his victims.
every living thing on earth poops
He poops in fear when Chuck Norris is near.
He craps his pants in a magical litterbox in the corner of the universe.