Nerdfighters? Are there any fellow Nerdfighters here?

If you don't know what Nerdfighter means, please don't answer, but just so you know, Nerdfighters are people who instead of being made out of bones and organs and stuff is made entirely out of awesome. We don't fight nerds, we're pro-nerd *shifts glasses*, as you can immediately tell by watching any single video made by our leaders, John and Hank Green a.k.a. The Vlogbrothers. Also, "DFTBA" is an initialism we use to say "Don't forget to be awesome!"

I'm just curious to see if any other Nerdfighters use this website to answer any questions they have which should be put to a large number of people. I also end up asking all the ones I'm embarrassed to ask anyone I know personally. Thanks and DFTBA!


AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! Grammatical and punctuation errors! *Nerdfighters are people who, instead of being made out of bones and organs and stuff, ARE made entirely out of awesome.* Sorry....


Favorite Answer

I dont get any of what u just said but this isnt a real question real questions are to solve problems and this is a chat