Description of horse for contract?
Reposting as I got no answers
I'm working on a boarding contract for my new barn (they want to come up with a new one for me since my boarding situation with them is different than usual). Part of my contract has a description of horse (btw I'm using a contract I found and am tweaking it to fit what I need. Taking out parts I feel unnecessary and adding things in that I do). The section describing "Description of horse" only states that contract is for horse in attached document, which I'm making by hand. Here is what I have, tell me what you think and what I need to add please (showing barn owner tomorrow as she wants to see what I come up with and work on it from there).
Please note some items are left blank or changed to protect my identity.
Description of Horse
This is an official description of horse for the Boarding agreement between (Stable) and (Owner).
Owner agrees that all following information is accurate and complete under penalty of contract termination.
1. Registered Name: (enter registration name here)
2. Barn/Call Name: Exception
3. Breed: Paso Fino
4. Registration Organization: Paso Fino Horse Association
5. Registration Number: 3x,xxx
6. Sex: Mare
7. Foaling Date: April 25, 2xxx
8. Description: Chestnut body, chestnut mane, chestnut tail, no face or leg markings.
Pictures will be included with contract as will a copy of her registration papers.
CDog, she has none.
Driver- the copy is on plain computer paper and only the front is copied. My registration number is not in there and all transfer form stuff is on the back. I keep her original papers in a file at home.