statistical analysis of solar panel data excel?

I have a 3.6kW solar panel array. I have recorded data (excel spreadsheet) that shows the power received during each quarter hour, month on month. The readings during cooler months range between zero and 0.5kW (*4 = 2kWh). I aim to build a device that will turn on a heater when there is enough power being generated.
I wish to find the single power level that will enable me to get the best value from the "free" electricity.
if I choose a 1W heater it will be nearly always on, but not generate much heat.
If I choose a 2kW heater it will generate lots of heat when its on - but that will be VERY infrequent.
How do I analyse the data to find the heater rating that will optimize power * total "on time" ?

There is more explanation here


Favorite Answer

Put all power readings in one column and sort in decreasing order. In another column, place the numbers 1,2,3,... so that the number 1 is in the same row as the highest power reading. That number represents the number of quarter hours at that power level or higher. In a third column, calculate 4 times the product of the numbers in the other two columns. That will be the number of kWh used if you choose that power level. Find the maximum of those numbers and you will have your answer.
