Trayvon martin is deceased, tragic no doubt.Is our justice system working?

Zimmerman found innocent by jury of peers. The radical left refuses to accept the decision. Our judicial system is under attack from Obama and holder alike. Why? You think for one moment Obama and holder care about trayvon, youd be wrong. This is about guns......plain and simple. My blessings to trayvons family. I wish I could give him back to you.


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Of course, to Obama this is about guns. And Obama and Holder are two buttocks on the same bum.


Well to be honest the prosecution didn't make a good case. Zimmerman had injuries.
And his self defence claim made sense but then again he shouldn't have followed.


If he is given another trial, it will eliminate double jeopardy. A master stroke, if I do say so myself. Divide and Conquer. Start a race war, divide the people, establish martial law. It's the awful majesty of it that keeps me enamored by this subtle control.


in the case of trayvon
the justice system is working just fine


its sad he had 2 die n worse at da hands of a racist white person over da color of his skin. I wish are justice system would wake up.

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