Drone strikes? Killing US citizens abroad? Where will you be safe?

rigomortisfx studios2013-07-24T01:49:00Z

Favorite Answer

Drones no you have it all wrong they are not killing citizens
see thats the thing many go around and start posting lies on youtube
i bet you have been watch alex jones again he lies all the time and nothing ever comes true

I believe in Healthy Fur2013-07-24T08:22:23Z

You won't be safe.

The militarisation of the US is underway. They got the drones. They got the NSA. They got all your data. The public doesn't care.

Perhaps you can come over to the Kalahari and hang out with us meerkats.

@gignotgigi - Reading your Bible quote, I understand that you wish people to kill you for your political allegiences.

>>"So far, those drone strikes were only killing terrorists."

Nonsense. Hundreds of children and civilians have been killed in drone strikes. Source: http://drones.pitchinteractive.com/


No one is safe in a disintegrating community. Drones are one experimental solution by now.


Not all US citizens are innocent some decide to mess with the US and hide


Unfortunately, some Americans have joined al Qaida and turned to terrorists. So far, those drone strikes were only killing terrorists.

Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, so do ye to them likewise.

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