Frame of Regular Tetrahedra?
You have sufficiently many congruent regular tetrahedra - #1 on the following picture:
You begin joining them face-to-face: joining the second tetrahedron to the first, you get a regular triangular bipyramid (#2); then you join the third tetrahedron to one of its faces (#3) and so on. Let the joined tetrahedra form a chain so that each of them (except first and last) shares exactly 2 faces with its neighbors (unlike #4). Can the chain close in a frame-like construction, i.e. the first and last to be joined precisely face-to-face too?
For example 8 congruent cubes make an obvious frame (#5) with a cubic hole (how convenient are these right dihedral angles!), but somebody might be surprised that 8 congruent regular octahedra do it also (#6)! The success of the latter construction is due to the fact that the dihedral angle between 2 faces, sharing a common vertex, but not a common edge, is θ = arccos(1/3); the dihedral angle between 2 faces, sharing a common edge is exactly π - θ. But in the regular tetrahedron the only dihedral angle is θ.
Many irregular congruent polyhedra also make frames, remind the prisms in the famous Rubik's Snake:
But no cubes. No octahedra. Regular tetrahedra only. Their centroids need not be coplanar (like the centers of the 8 cubes above), but remember, not edge-to-edge or vertex-to-vertex joinings as these kaleidocycles:
All to be joined face-to-face, or "cheek-to-cheek" - this may inspire you:
This question may turn out difficult and the web search I made (I am not sure I did it thoroughly) didn't help - such rigid frame seems highly unlikely with only dihedral angle θ available, but I can neither prove, nor disprove it is possible.
To get into a good shape, try another much easier problem: prove that the only convex polyhedra - unions of joined face-to-face congruent regular tetrahedra - are the tetrahedron itself and the triangular bipyramid (#1 and #2).
Scythian: That's right, I have commented some 3D tessellations in my answer to Pauley Morph's question (# 7):;_ylt=Aj.gpjCNxiyH5mMCwvQ3VXrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130101183824AAcq10L
JB: Hi and welcome back to Y!Answers! Very glad that you like Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald - these great names in jazz from the time when people like me were young! As to the question, my intuition says the same, I also would like to see an eventual proof, but I don't know if somebody has looked into it. Any knots allowed, the only requirement to be the tetrahedra to dance cheek-to-cheek!
To All: Many thanks for the interesting answers - I promise to keep the question open as long as I can!
FINAL REMARKS: I have three books by Hugo Steinhaus at home, but I feel almost ashamed that I didn't know this problem has been posed by him and solved more than half a century ago as pointed by the answers below. The answers were extremely helpful, I can see how much zeal and efforts are there in some of them and I would like to have a possibility to award several Best Answers. Many thanks to Scythian, JB, Jibz, Gianlino, Fred and Stan! But Aamir Mohammed, you should know that the experimental approach you suggest goes best if you wish for example to find a cure against AIDS - you must try and try tirelessly - and if you are successful you could win the Nobel Prize for Medicine! Alas, in Mathematics this approach is unacceptable.
Finally, several words about the accompanying problem - convex polyhedron of this kind can have polyhedral angles with angular defects of 120° or 180° (other cases easily excluded), so in each vertex there are linear angles 3 * 60° or 4 * 60°.
Since the
Since the total defect is 720°, if v₃ and v₄ are numbers of vertices with 3, respectively 4 edges, then the only solutions of the equation
v₃ * 180° + v₄ * 120° = 720° are v₃ = 4, v₄ = 0 (tetrahedron) and v₃ = 2, v₄ = 3 (bipyramid).