How to get rid of a large, broken TV?

I have a large flatscreen TV that doesn't work quite well anymore, something with the tubes in the back has gone wrong, and the TV is supersaturated with a dark blue color when trying to watch anything for any longer than five minutes.

How could I get rid of this TV? Is there any place that I could take it to that I could sell it or its constituent parts?


Favorite Answer


Leave it outside on the curb, some one might take it or the garbage people will throw it out. Give it to Good Will, smash it with friends for a good laugh


I don't know if this works anywhere else but here in the south if you set it out by the road it will magically disappear after a while!

Pat B2013-07-25T20:05:47Z

I don't know anyone who would buy it, but if you want to get rid of it Goodwill will take it.


Throw it in your neighbors trash.