What do you value most, and what do you hate most?

Longer answers preferred.

Also, please include the religion, philosophy, or other worldview you identify under (or a relevant summary of your beliefs if you don't use a label).


Favorite Answer

I value the fact that I have learned that I don't hate anything.

World view = Sane.


I value my religion the most. I have been a practicing Muslim for most of my life, and I wouldn't give Islam up for anything else. It defines who I am and serves as a guide for my actions and objections in this life.

I'm not entirely sure if there's something that I hate 'the most'. I dislike stupid people.


I love God the most. What I hate would have to be math. It just never clicks for me. I've tried everything and nothing works. Maybe it wasn't part of God's plan for me to be good at math. There really isn't much to say.



I don't hate anything


Truth and honest people.

Lies and liars.

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