Am I doing it wrong or am i unlucky?

Well I'm about to start my second year of college and last year was a compete **** when it come to dating or girls in the fact. I had one girl who was cool and we kiss on the first date but after that she didn't want to talk to me anymore and I feel like that I was used to get over her ex bf, I had another girl who went out of her way just to meet me(like going to my dorm room in middle of the night and I wasn't there) we hang out for like a month and then she just turn to a compete a** and told me not to talk to her anymore( which i didnt do anything to upset her) and lastly I been trying to talk to girls to see if I can a get their number but usually I get shut down(and they don't have bf) so my question is that if I'm doing anything wrong or am I just that unlucky?
Ps also I am a nice guy so I'm think that the nice guy do finish last I hope that not true


Favorite Answer

It sounds to me like you've just got some bad luck. I'm sorry to hear that, but don't lose hope, one of these days, you'll find the perfect girl. I'm sure of it :)