Getting only 128GB of drive space from a 250gb?

I have a 250GB hard drive on a netbook I'm selling but Windows says it only has 128GB, and does not show other hard drive partitions

It's a Acer Aspire One D257-13450 with windows 7 starter

Can someone confirm why this is? is windows 7 starter only supporting the 128gb?
Is the Factory Default taking all that extra space?
Or is there another partition somewhere that windows isn't showing?


Favorite Answer

I don't believer there is a limit on hard disk size.

You probably don't have a second partition at all, and that space is just sitting there completely unformatted.

Go to the Control Panel -- Administrative Tools -- Computer Management--Then "Storage" on the tree on the left side, then "Disk Management". When this loads it will display the disk and if there is another 128 GB of space unformatted, it will list it next to the formatted space on the disk and list it as "Unallocated".


Maybe your existing files and programs are taking up the other 122 GB.

If you download this program it will tell you exactly what is taking up space. Be sure to run on the C:\ drive.