Fan (to cool the engine) seems like it is running continuously. 1999 Dodge Caravan...?
Last night, went to start a 1999 dodge caravan and the battery was dead. It's since been charged and it seems as if the fan (fuse?) to keep the engine cool is running non-stop. Besides taking it to a mechanic (obviously) do you know what this problem is? Please only answer if you have an idea what it might be or have experienced this problem before... thank you for your time! :)
(we believe the fan belt is stuck)
Favorite Answer
it sounds like the fan relay is bad so just go to a parts store and tell them you need a fan relay for your year make and model and some part stores will help replace it if your not sure were it is
I had problems on mine & it was because the double wire going down by the thermostat housing had fallen off the little unit that screwed into the housing. When I plugged it back in the problem stopped! So I say check the small wires around the hoses to make sure everything is plugged in
is this the examine engine mild?? or provider engine quickly mild?? The examine mild will % an OBD2 devise to reset the laptop. you could attempt to disconnect the neg battery clamp for a minute. this could now and returned reset the laptop additionally.