who would you like to see wrestle austin aries?

daniel bryan or cm punk and why

Real Celtic Warior2013-07-28T14:12:44Z

Favorite Answer

Cm Punk, even though I'm pretty sure this match has already happen in ROH!

I guess because of the similar styles, many people claim he is TNA's version of Cm Punk, I think Austin Aries is very good, and people like him, it would be a good match if it happen in TNA or WWE!


Daniel Bryan

User Is My Name.2013-07-28T23:01:08Z

Daniel Freaking Bryan!


I'd choose CM Punk because they have similar personality's and I think it'd be a great match but then again, Daniel Bryan can have a good match with anyone so.

Jim Crockett Promotions Fan2013-07-28T20:35:41Z

Both of them have wrestled Austin Aries in Ring of Honor, but I wouldn't mind seeing him wrestle either one again.

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