Can this graphics card run Google Earth?

I need to get a desktop to run Google Earth, but it doesn't have the right Graphics (integrated)

I have a spare Add-On graphics card: Matrox Video Card AGP 798-02 REV_A MGI G2+/MILA/8BN/20

Can this run Google Earth?


Seeing some bad answers, I suppose not, still please answer seriously.


Computer is a Dell Dimension 1100


Favorite Answer

Unless your computer is like 10+ years old, integrated graphics will suffice for Google earth.

What are the specs of the computer you're trying to run google earth on?

That Matrox is an antique and is slower than most even semi-modern intergrated GPU's.

Edit: Okay, you need a DX9 GPU for google earth and your computer is very old. That video card you have will not work because this computer isn't listed as having an AGP slot and that video card isn't a DX9 card anyway. You can get cheap PCI video card for around $50 or so. But honestly you need a new computer.


I go on Google Earth! Awesome!