Capstar question - what does the pill look like?

Can anyone tell me what is inscribed on a 57 mg Capstar? I need to know NOW!! Thanks.


I've looked everywhere,too.You would think they would have pic of what it looks like.I have a package at home,so I will look when I get there,but my brother has one here that he wants to use.He will just have to wait a bit.


Kelsey - That's it! Thank you so much! We were pretty sure it was one, but didn't want to chance using it without knowing.


Favorite Answer

It says C G on one side and H l H on the other

Give me a sec and I'll post pictures

If you are concerned about potential poisoning call 1 (800) 548-2423 they are animal poison control, or contact your vet or local emergency vet immediately.

Chihuahua Addict2013-07-29T03:13:59Z

I've searched everywhere online including a pill identifier and cannot find any pictures of the pill or what is inscribed on the pill. All I could find is common information like what the pill is for, dosage, etc... What you can do, is call an Emergency Vet and ask them or a pharmacist, if they can tell you what the pill looks like or what is inscribed on a 57 mg. Capstar. Good Luck! Sorry I could not help you out more.
