Just got mugged, questions about new iPhone portability?

Hi, I just got mugged and the guy only wanted my iPhone 4. I immediately remote wiped it when I got home and then suspended service. I'm going down to AT&T tomorrow to get a replacement, I got a few questions for people that would know it.

1. Would a replacement of the same model cost a lot? I was an iPhone 4 16gig.

2. If I have the backup on iCloud it should be able to restore everything as it was, right? Including all the apps and what state they were in (like, arranged the same way, etc).

3. Will I be forced to get a new number, or is that permanently tied to the SIM card?



@ Street: Actually I DID just get mugged. I was walking out of work and I was texting a few people on my phone before putting it in my pocket. This guy was walking diagonally to me kept looking back at me, when I rounded the corner he said something about 'cocaine?' and to which I said, 'no sorry I don't do that.' Then he reached into his pants and said something like 'OK I have a 22 here, 1 -shot to the head, I need your phone, man.' I didn't think he really had anything, but after stalling and saying 'are you serious?' and 'I thought you wanted cocaine,' I finally gave it up. It was a harrowing experience, I had only heard about friends getting mugged before, and after 31 years I never expected it to happen to me. I'm still shaken up by it, going over in my head what I should have said or done. I guess I did the right thing but part of me really wanted to run back to my office where there was a security guard.


1. If you are on a Contract (Not an AT&T Go Phone Plan) you'll pay full price for the phone ($550); unless your number is "upgrade-able". (Meaning > You have had your current plan for 18-24 months) If other numbers/phones are on the same AT&T Plan, these numbers might have an "upgrade", so they may let you use that "upgrade" to get a discounted iPhone 4 16GB at $99. Otherwise it's $500.

2. As long as everything was synced to the iCloud, everything should restore okay, but I don't know the specifics. Since the phone was 'wiped' it may mean that you'll have to download the Apps again, not sure how Apple operates with this option.

3. They can transfer your phone number to any SIM or Phone.

Note: If the AT&T account does not have an available "Upgrade" then any phone you select will be full price, not the discounted carrier price. The Discounts are for "Upgrades" and "New Lines". Check with your homeowners insurance agent, you may be able to get insurance to pay for a new iPhone, since it was stolen.


Unless your phone wasn't insured then they will charge you regular price for a replacement. If it was insured then you'll pay the $199 for it instead. You can restore all of your info back onto your phone directly from icloud depending on what your settings were. For instance, if you checked the box that said backup photos, notes, emails etc then all of those will be restored to your phone depending on the last time you backed it up. If you hadn't backed it up in a while then the most recent information you had added to the phone (ie; photos, text messages, new phone numbers since backing up) that will not show up. You could also go to your cloud online and see what info you had stored on it. You will not need to change the phone number you can take that to any phone you choose to go with.


I honestly don't think they charge you for a new one if they do I'm pretty sure it will be at a discounted price for the other questions.yes you will get all your stuff back you will have everything you had on your stolen on you new one when you back it up.and no you will have the same number no need to change it


You did not just get mugged. Troll.