If you had one question to ask Jesus...?

What would you ask?

The Goat Nose2013-07-31T19:49:21Z

Favorite Answer

Please don’t let my father suffer anymore, he is sick and only God can release him.


Why did He give us the choice to begin with? What was this grand design, this beautiful thing He wanted to accomplish by giving us the choice to be our own gods.

Brittany, you'll get your chance, but you're not going to like it because the answer is going to illustrate a life in vanity, wasted, and with a horrific end. In other words, the answer will only illustrate how truly pointless your existence is.

I don't say this as an insult, but as a matter of truth, as a simple matter of fact. God is going to point out to you the evidence that you ignored, that you chose to believe was nothing. God is going to point out every single thing you know about and have long forgotten, and He is finally going to point out the truth behind your efforts to find out who He is. In the end, you're going to see how you are like a 3 year old trying to justify why it's okay for you to eat the gum you stole from the store. And you will truly understand that evidence and why you could never accept it. Unfortunately, look at the actual truth of it, and you will see that it has less to do with evidence and far more to do with what you want God to be.


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