Yahoo Mail is it safe to read email in Spam folder?

In Yahoo Mail I usually just look at the Subject and Sender of emails in my spam folder, then empty the folder. Is it safe to click and read any of the messages? I am sometimes curious about what's in some of these emails and would like to read them. I don't have to read them, but would sometimes like to look at some of the more ridiculous ones that I keep getting.


Favorite Answer

There could be a picture within the message that will advise the spammer that the mail has been opened and your address will be passed on as a live one.

"You can avoid this by having your settings to never show images.

You can decide whether images display automatically in emails you receive—or whether they are blocked.

We recommend using image blocking:

In order to prevent spam, we strongly encourage users to block images in their email.
Image blocking prevents the confirmation “hits” that spammers receive whenever one of their images is viewed.
Since a "view" can include the moment you click to open a spam message, selecting to never display images by default is your safest option.

The following image settings are available to show images in emails:

Never by default
Only from my contacts and certified senders
Always, except in Spam folder

To change your image display settings:

Sign in to Yahoo! Mail.
Move your cursor over the gear icon Gear Icon in the upper-right corner of the window, and select Mail Options from the menu that appears.
Click General at the left.
Under "Spam Protection," select an option next to Show images in emails.
Click Save."


Yeah, but don't click any links or other attachments that are in the email.

Stay safe.


Yes, But do not