Will Doctor Who end with the 12th regeneration?
With Matt Smith's departure, will the Doctor end with the 12th transformation or will the Doctor stay immortal with endless regenerations? I've heard conflicting views on the Internet on this issue.
With Matt Smith's departure, will the Doctor end with the 12th transformation or will the Doctor stay immortal with endless regenerations? I've heard conflicting views on the Internet on this issue.
Favorite Answer
no- makes too much Money for the BBC
The "Rules" for Regeneration have changed many times over the last 50 years
in fact Regeneration didn't even come a part of the show until the end of the Third Season
Every writer/producer can Change the whole Regeneration thing if they want
No, there's going to be a new series next year (it's been confirmed)
& the Doctor can technically have 13 incarnations, not 12 according to time lord law. But this doesn't matter anymore now that Gallifrey is gone.
even uf they would stay with the 12 there will be 13 Doctors, His original body is not a regeration, but it it stays papular the writters will find away around. The Master used up his 12 long ago and he is still going
Kriz A
well if you watch dr. who or even lets kill hitler, you know river song gave the doctor 10 of her remaining regenerations to save him so another 50+ years i guess
That's what should happen. But I doubt it will, the writers will find some way to keep him alive. I don't think they're just going to end the show.
Well I hope not..