1982 ford tow truck brake question?

all 4 wheels are drum brake,not power brake,the master cylinder lid leaked,so i replaced the master,still leaks, all 4 wheels bled good,feels like front brakes are working only,the leak, i still say faulty master, but for the other problem, would u think its the proportioning valve,I cant find one NO WHERE, not even ford garage. any help would be appreciated.


for some reason this truck has an proportion valve,regardless of drum brakes al way round,its bolted almost underneath the master cyl.


actually a proportioning valve is needed where possibility of rear wheel locking up when heavy braking. so in cases of light and heavy vans etc will be fitted and in some cases on cars.
if this is faulty it ought to fail in effect having no proportional braking or incorrect hence rear wheel lock up when braking? or maybe very poor rear brakes.
ford main dealer ought to be able to assist..if they cannot? ask for customer assistance/ relations phone number. this is a number dealers can phone directly to engineers at Ford support centre who are tasked with resolutions of customers technical issues where a dealer is unable to solve etc.
sounds to me as though master cylinder is at fault again.. fluid leak by on seals ought to be only way fluid is getting back and over filling master reservoir.
di check out piston head site for advise. some of these guys know a few things.