How's your weather? This is the most beautiful day this summer in ..?

Southern Maine. I feel so energetic and happy on days like this. We've had a humid, wet summer so far so I'm REALLY happy today!

Low humidity, mostly sunny clear blue skies with a few cumulous clouds, about 72 degrees, a perfect breeze, green green grass and leaves, pine trees of course, blackberry bushes (I'm pretty scratched up), vegetable gardens, and wildflowers. Happy I live here today. I might not say that in mid-February. :)

Is your weather effecting you today?


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Sounds wonderful! Enjoy the beautiful day.

It's been so cold in Wisconsin. Right now it's 68 and cloudy. Supposed to storm later in the day. I welcome a good thunderstorm but the cold has been preventing us from boating and swimming and doing our usual summer activities. We went to an outdoor festival the other weekend and were in jeans and jackets the whole time. Feels like fall to me. I keep thinking it's time to go to the apple orchard... and to go back to school. :/


It's beautiful in Virginia too. Very nice 75 degrees, bright blue sky and white clouds. There is a light breeze and little humidity. Perfect.


Hi Lynne, wow that sounds beautiful. Really good. Nothing like a wet summer. I'm in India and the weather here is quite hot, its supposed to be wet, rainy and cool but it has become quite hot due to excessive tampering with the environment. Other countries need to be as environmentally friendly as the states is.


Utah here. Bright, clear skies. About 90 degrees.


Hi there! I live in England and it is ABSOLUTELY pouring with rain. Good for the garden I suppose and I'm glad I've been out today but I'm feeling kind of low. Never mind.....

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