Who's Helping Currently?

I am encouraging some of my faithful Catholic readers to spend a few minutes on Yahoo Answers searching for questions to answer each day. It is quick and easy. Unfortunately, many people that either hate or do not believe in Our Lord are answering the questions. I feel that in such a place where people come for answers, faithful Catholics should be teaching.


Favorite Answer

All that is required for Evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

Good People of Faith do come here to answer questions.

Good Luck and God Bless


I am not a Catholic, I am a Christian who happens to be a member of a Baptist church. I see it in that order, not the reverse. I am doing a little I trust to help the lost to find faith in Christ Jesus as Savior, and will suggest different ministries that can be of service to guide them to do what is best. I am not aware of any Catholic ministries that teach the Truth of Salvation, though I know there are many individuals that do try their best to get to be 'recognized as saints' from the Catholic understanding of saints, which is sadly very misleading, but widely accepted. A Christian is a saint, but not called that in todays terms. For the Catholic church has garnered that position in a public arena. The Catholic who is able to study the Bible, and learn that they don't have to do 'works' to be saved, but to have faith first in Christ Jesus and then serve Him in faith is doing very well. To be a good participating member of the church, one should also help with the needs of the church body, food, clothing, good deeds of service to help others when possible. Reaching out in love to help the hungry,with real meals, and service to get them out of their impoverished state if in such. So there is much that I am aware of that the Catholic church does strive to do for the betterment of mankind and I am thankful for that, but the doctrines don't all agree with the Christian's understanding, i.e. the rosary, the prayers to the icons, the need for that to diminish would be great. Yet confessional is a great thing to have, though Christians are able to confess their sins, in private or with others and recieve God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ, not just a priest in a confessional booth. I don't mean to step on toes here but this is my understanding of the Catholic church teachings. If it has changed then all the better.


As I can't edit the question ...I wanted to point out I was posting a Quote in my Question , and overlooked the Quotation Marks.

Surfing Dog2013-08-07T13:34:04Z

yeah Catholics - tell us all about birth control, priesthood and little boys...nuns
the rosary and the Eucharist...

hey maybe the pope will chime in....


and if this were a catholic site you could expect that...but it's not. it's YARS. open forum.

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