Yugioh Joey the Passion?
I need a really good recipe to build my deck after, Please I really need this.... TEN POINTER EVERYONE!!
I need a really good recipe to build my deck after, Please I really need this.... TEN POINTER EVERYONE!!
Favorite Answer
dude listen i played joey but it kinda got old school and try this YGOpro percy it got all cards in TGG/OGG , 5ds and gx and zexal and you can play easly Multiplayer and for a good deck here
ygo pro link : http://d-h.st/qFX
deck : Blue-Eyes deck :
Yugioh Joey The Passion
I don't have a recipe... but I'll say, I structured my deck around Hero's and cards that support my Hero monsters. You could, let's say, make a deck surrounding Monsters that affect your opponent's field or hand or make a deck that let's you stop your opponent from getting his best cards... I'm sorry... I'll show you my deck...
Elemental Hero Ocean x3
Elemental Hero Sparkman x2
Elemental Hero Burstanatrix x2
Elemental Hero Clayman x3
Destiny Hero Double Dude x2
Destiny Hero Diamond Dude x3
Destiny Hero Dunker x1
Wroutweiler x4
Negate Attack x2
Mirror Force x1
Reinforcements x3
The Warrior Returning Alive x2
Monster Reborn x2
Heavy Storm x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
(I'm too tired to type the rest...)