Is this song really that bad?

Recently, I wrote and recorded a song for my girlfriend. When I heard it I thought it was one of my better songs but when she heard it she didn't really pay attention to it. She listened to it once, told me she loved it and never brought it up again. She later admitted it wasn't "her style of music" after I asked her why she never listened to it.
I don't know, it hurt my feelings a bit to know a song I put hours into didn't get the light of day. But honestly, is it really that bad? Here is the link to the song, I would really like to know if its a bad song or if my girlfriend just isn't grateful enough. I feel like I need the closure, you know?


Favorite Answer

I like it... the only thing that I don't really like is the parts where you sing like (smile) LO-O-o-ve and other parts like that.. I think it would be better like LOve.. if you get me... she should be grateful, I would jump up and down if someone wrote me a song.. You are a really great person.