I want to quit work but i dont know how?

I was planning on quitting this morning via phone but im afraid, i think i was scheduled to cover someones shift 15 minutes ago but i woke up to late and since it was never confirmed i didnt go in.
I had to call out yesterday to watch my baby sister and my boss was very very angry (she's not to nice) and i would of had to today and i know if i did id get fired. I dont think its fair to them that id have to call out but i dont think its fair for the manager to get on my case when she allows her friends to leave multiple hours early and i and others are left to cover his or her shift. Im a cashier at a food lion btw. Also 17 yrs old and have worked there coming up on 5 months.


Favorite Answer

If you've weighed out the pros and cons of leaving and you've decided It's better to leave , then learn an Important life lesson by quitting the right way.
No fear , no worries , no doubts. Just go up to your boss and say "I'm quitting".It's your life.He/she doesn't own you.You said your boss wasn't too nice.If she's the controlling type, you should calm your emotions before you call or go there and become a bit cold hearted and empty so she doesn't play the "but we really need you" card and confuse you.
JUST DO IT MAN! (or woman).


Quitting without notice is always a last resort. It leaves you with no backup plan and a (likely) bad reference from the job you left. I would urge you to put in a 2 weeks notice and tough it out for that time.

If really don't want to work there anymore and don't mind a negative reference quitting immediately is your right. Call your job and ask for the manager. When she comes on the line, tell her something like "This is (your name). I have decided that I don't like working for you and will not be coming in to work again. I quit."

Hang up before they can guilt trip you, start yelling or you doubt yourself. You've delivered the message that you needed to and burned a bridge in the process.