Do you think stardom is a good or bad thing for music?

Sometimes the whole concept of startdom, especially in Rock n Roll, seems to draw people into it purely for that aspect of it, because they want to be stars or be worshiped, rather than for the more pure enjoyment of the music itself.
But then the popularity draws many people that may not have been drawn in otherwise, puts more money and resources into it etc.

Your thoughts?


I think it's a lot more common now they want the stardom and money rather than it being about the enjoyment of music. I think you should do it because it's what interests you, if you're good and successful more power to you.

I can't believe the budgets spent on videos now, millions. I think the cheap ones made before MTV were often better.


I want to b a rock star but not for those reasons. I want to b one bc I love music and I want people to love my music. I was beaten up and bullied alot as a kid and basically if I become a well known musician I feel like people would have no choice but to acknowledge me and I would always have my music bringing me to people and never having to face that hell again