Why does yahoo answers make me wait 4 hours to pick a best answer?

its kinda stupid if my question gets answered in the first 5 mins that i cant pick a best answer right away and if i already have an answer why would i come back in 4 hours just to pick a best answer.


For those saying its an hour it definitely isnt my recent question was posted 2 hours ago and i still cant choose best answer.


Favorite Answer

Cause in that 4 hours someone might have a better answer.


You can choose a best answer after 1 hour and 1 answer
You can rate the answer with 1-5 stars leave a short comment and submit. The asker gets 3 points for choosing and the best answerer gets 10 points and 1 point extra for any thumbs up they have. (total to 50)
Any level can choose a best answer and vote on questions in voting.


You should be able to pick BA after an hour, if not it's probably some


You have to wait One hour NOT four and it only requires one answer. And that's because they decided on one hour.


I wondered that my self I would assume its bc there needs to be more than just one answer to choose from.