Question to entitlement women...Spousal Support/ChildSupport?

Why do you think that breaking off from your children's father or husband( For you cheating or finding someone else etc) and filing for child support so you won't have to work is a good thing?

Why not work and find employment? There are people who lose there jobs and has to adjust there way of living everyday so what's so special about you and women whom were married?

I know not all women are this way and do not need spousal support nor child support because they can support themselves.

This is based on things i heard and seen when a break up occurs they pull the child support card.
A woman who's children father is in the Military said after she put him on child support she is gonna quit her job and never work again.

So to women who have that mindset how does it feel to be employed by your children's father your no longer with?

And no i do not have children but if i did i would try to choose the right person and not some lazy minded woman if it did not work out.


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ugh yes both men and women are F'd when it comes to divorce.. not just women..........


What do you mean get child support so you don't have to work???? That money is not yours it's the child's money - for the child - not income for NOT working.

The money coming in is a child supporting responsibility of the dad (or mom). That parent needs to contribute towards the well being of the child. Such as school costs/school supplies, help pay for medicine or medical bills, food/a roof over their head. I mean you can't expect the mom to pay for everything and dad not pay any child support.

Now the woman does not need "maintenance" money. She needs to get off her lazy butt and get a job. If day care comes into the picture then BOTH parents pay half. The mother needs to work. Not sit home and watch Dr. Phil.

As for you picking the right woman it starts with using protection AT ALL TIMES when having sex. Never trust the woman to be "on the pill" they lie. You make sure every - single - time you wear a rubber. If not your asking for child support payments for 20 yrs.

I do not feel sorry for a man who doesn't use a rubber. He knows better.


Child support is not so the woman never has to work again. It's so that the child receives financial support from both parents, including the one who's not raising him/her.

If you had ever raised a child and had any clue how much this costs (and how child support in most cases doesn't even cover a fraction of the expenses), you'd know that it's impossible for the woman to live a life of luxury off child support.