The first thing I should say to the girl im trying to hit on?
I might be saying the wrong things and want to know the right thing to say first
starting my second year of college
I might be saying the wrong things and want to know the right thing to say first
starting my second year of college
James Love
Favorite Answer
Man, Was I in the same situation as you are now. I felt that everything i was saying was wrong, but what I realized is that it was everything I was NOT saying that was wrong; We talk with our bodies, 60% is body language and 30% is tone, so it leaves 10% for just what you are saying. So here is what you do; Fix your body language!!!! You Got to be confident, and then you will show confidence which will make it easier to say confidence. A simply trick that has not failed me since i found it (and this is saying a lot from a guy who had only one girl in highschool and was president of the chess club, to now dating a pretty hot french girl!): You got to believe you are hot in order to show you are hot, and confidence will come up with it! believe it, challenge it, and live your belief!
Be confident, don't be a wimp!
James Love
1. Make her laugh
2. Tell her she has a nice smile
3. Ask her out for THAT night
You don't hit on her, you ask her out, girls appreciate it a LOT more than someone hitting on them because they will think that they were just passing by and noticed her good looks or is all about sex.
Francisco Gutierrez
Just go up to her that she looks pretty today. Compliment her on her hair, makeup, talents. Be really nice to her. Of she likes you back she will follow your hints and give you some back. Hope it goes well
Just say DAAAAAAMN! just kidding everyone had different ways to get a girl just think it through and imagine what would happen.