grampa thinks hes a gangster?

my grampa recently played grand theft auto and was inspired by it. he asked me to take him to the hood wher he can learn to be all gangsta. i reluctantly say ok because i no he will ban me from playing super mario sunshine if i turn him down. when we arrive at the ghetto 3 gangsters walk up to us with aggressive facial expression on their faces. my grampa sees this as a challegne to he manliness and whips out his WWI rifle. the fires the rifle at the lead gangsters foot and scares him away. his underlings however proceed in shanking my grampa and scares him away to hiding in the garbage disposal box. they run after him to finish the job but i pull out my sniper rifle and 360 no scope them as they run after grampa. when i tell him the coast is clear he says he felt like an uber hi adrenaline rush, and wants more action. he divorces his wife so she wont drag down his new way of life, then moves to chicago and tries to join a gang. they deny he request because of his frail old body so he gets angry with revengeful rage. he goes to the black market and buys nuclear weapons to bomb their hideoat, but is quickly arrested by the cops for illegal weaponry possession. my grampa is angry at being in jail, so he pulls a rocket launcher out he anus and blows a hole in the wall and runs ,never to be seen again. what should i do now?


Favorite Answer

So... your grandpa has swag....


Wow kid you got some fantasy dream going on there. You need to quit playing video games and get some help.


Probably get revenge on them and become a gangster yourself.