Why is Ramadan section full of hatred questions about Islam meanwhile another holiday section arent?

I haven't seen any muslim asking provoked question for other religion and belief


@ My Master Born of Smokeless Fire : I just don't get their purpose anyway, I agree with Ruchjat K with his answer on this question : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnNrEdrIqhVCOAQxGefLBxDnDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20130814153339AANUIug

If you see an offensive questions on yahoo you must keep be patient and do not so emotional and explain honestly without rude all of their questions based on the Qur'an and hadith You should avoid to report it as an abuse so they will understand the true information.or you can ignore it if you could not answer those questions.


Favorite Answer

Salam There are many anti Islam put hatred questions about Islam in this Ramadan section by misinterpreting various verses of the Qur'an and disrespecting our beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh They come to this Ramadan section,meanwhile they do not come in holiday section,because they know that most Muslims will read this Ramadan section.which is more special for Muslim people.Holiday section is too general not specific.


Just ignore these people. Some say they've studied Islam for 4 years when they don't even know what it teaches. All they think about is what they hear in the news. Others just want to see Muslims getting angry and annoyed because if they see us that way they love it, and that is what they want.

Frank Fontaine2013-08-15T01:10:15Z

The Muslims on here do not troll the other holiday sections because many of them are too busy trolling the Israel Travel section. Go and have a look over there and you will see that very few questions are related to "travel" to Israel and are instead political questions designed to demonize Israel and Jews. There is even a Muslim guy who pretends to be a rabbi to give credit to his Israel bashing trolling.

Would you kindly...


because muslims are raised to not look down on others but rather to educate and help them.