POLL: Do you believe that people should date around a lot before getting married?
I agree that people need to date A LOT before they get married so that they know what's out there. For example, Tyler Perry's Temptation movie the main characters met very young, married and then the wife cheated on her husband because she was curious to know what it would be like to be with another man. So do you believe that people should date around a lot before getting married? Or should you limit yourself to only a few?
@Cecile You're correct. The question isn't structured correctly and I DID think about rewriting it but who cares! It's only Yahoo Answers not an English class. The purpose of this question is to get a variety of different points of views not to judge my English competency. Now let's drink this Vodka and cheers to happiness :)
@You like cats: Wow! That is such an interesting research topic, I would've never even thought of researching that. I would've loved to see your presentation. I've dated 4 guys in the past and do not see myself dating anyone anytime soon. But I do hope the 5th one is the lucky one :)
Favorite Answer
I think you should date around a lot, but that doesn't mean you should be a slut.
Even if you think the first person you date is "the one", it doesn't mean they are. Sometimes, we stop thinking about other people because of temporary hormones that will fade in a few years(yes, hormones are real, they affect how we think, and this has been proven). That's when situations like the one you described occur. It should be after you've dated a wide selection of people that you make a decision on a spouse. Many people get married before they even know what they want in a spouse, and that's a recipe for disaster. Dating is important for anyone!
It's like buying perfume. Yes, the first perfume you sample might smell great, but how do you know that it's perfect when you've never compared it to the other perfumes? You don't. That's why you go around trying other ones.
back in college we were given the freedom to create our own formula which we had to back up proof and research and my partners (2 of them) and I worked on one that utilized a persons physical features like height, weight, measurments, eye color, hair color, demographics, and things like that (not alto of them for we had to assign meaning to each raw data) to give the best # in which a person should have dated before they knew it was time to get hitched. It did not mean that once they hit that number that person who landed on that number was the one, it just meant that was the minimum.
Not only did we survey single people but we did married ones as well to gain validity on our findings. It was actually quit intersting and rarely did we get people to have an asnwer of less than 2 so with that said, I do believe people should date (hopefully not an insane amount of people) around before getting married. but not alot for remeber there is that minimum number. I ended up getting a 4...ffs I have only dated 2 girls and i dont c myself dating anytime soon so that 4 is a long shot. I have already graduated college so the chance of meeting girls have gone down and i dont do the whole clubbing and bar stuff so oh well maybe 3 will be my lucky # and prove our theorm wrong. We ended up getting a good grade thru our presentation and people in the class were all interested and wanting us to run their info and what not lol. sucks we dont have access to the software anymore to run the data to generate an answer :(
It depends, my interpretation is using the right standard English, date VS dating date meaning going out to a place to date, not in a relationship, and no commitment. dating meaning going out and have a relationship for a period of time, with a commitment.
so to answer your Question, I believe you can date many people as you want, but NOT dating many people as you want.
My suggestion is group dating is better than date alone. because you can see how he or she interact with others.
no. imo if you find someone you think is good to settle down with do so. why would you go out finding other people when the person you want to marry is right in your face? what makes you think they will be waiitng for you after your done sleeping around/dating other people.
if a person cheats it's basically something wrong in the relationship this is why you date the potential person for a while BEFORE settling down and this is why you need to be mature and understanding when in a relationship in general. some people in relationships are just immature and shouldn't even been in one.
I believe that people should date around until they meet the right person for them, the one they are attracted to and 100% compatible with, whether that person is their 1st or their 1000th. Don't ever get married just to get married. Make sure you're marrying the right person for the right reasons.