Dressage Test Question?

Will someone take a look at this dressage test and explain some things to me? I am an experienced rider, interested in "Western Dressage." On this test, somewhere between 5 and 9, there has to be a change of rein, doesn't there? If not, how do I get from B to F at a walk, go almost the whole way around the ring? And how do I get to the "half circle right" at 9 after doing the "half circle left" at 3, without a change of rein.

The test link: http://www.usef.org/documents/breeds/morgan/WesternDressage/DTIntroL_T1.pdf

Sooooo confused. I thought the hard part was going to be the horse skills, now I am finding my logic skills are not up to par.

Thanks In Advance.


OK, went over it ONE MORE TIME.....is step 5 "H - B" through the center with change of rein? and then step 12 "K - B" back through the center with change of rein again? How do you know when not to go all the way around the ring if they don't say to do so? There are a couple of other times a letter or two is skipped in the description, so that can't be it?


Thanks Amy. Yes, I was drawing it out when I discovered that it couldn't be done the way I was drawing it. If it wasn't on the USEF site, I'd blame the new discipline for the error/omission. I THOUGHT most tests said something like "at K, change rein through X to M." Maybe if I look a some traditional tests, I can get an idea.


Thank you, Tama.....it is the USEF intro test one, under western dressage. It is the same one that is on the western dressage organizations web page. The USDF did show different tests for western dressage, somewhat different from this one. Maybe I need to go look at that again. The pattern did NOT state "cross through center" or anything like that. That is where I lost my sense of humor with.it.


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LoL...logic skills is not something you seem lack

Which test are you riding? I clicked the link but it was a download and the print is too small to read on my phone?

If you are tracking left at the canter, come to H and it tells you to go thru the center (or accross diagonal) then you would have a rein change. Tests should outline a rein change but they don't always

I love to hear that people are trying western dressage. I tried it once at a friends farm. It was awesome!

Let me know what test you're looking at and ill edit (assuming no one else has the answer). You say you'll look at traditional tests...did the usdf outline different tests for western dressage? (Confused) :)

ETA: Yes, there's a change of direction from H to B and K to B. step 5 and 12

Here's a youtube link with a rider and a caller. I was kind of surprised to see so much western dressage infromation. I have a hard enough time getting my head around the crap I need to know :) Good luck!



That is a confusing test, I can't picture the arena in my head, try laying the letters out or writing them down on paper and going through it; always helps me work it out?