How do you reason with someone abusing Xanax?
From what I could find on the net about Xanax it is supposed to make the user lucid, laid back, and sleepy. However, when my wife takes it she becomes aggressive, EXTREAMLY Angry, and hostile. Since she started getting them she wreaked her car, got to meet local law enforcement, and has managed to push the boarders of our marriage to its breaking point.
I tried talking to her when she is strait about how she is when she is on them. Her not remembering anything while bombed makes it rough, but I do have plans to video the next "adventure".
When she is on them everything I say is wrong. We have had arguments that went heads to tails. For example, I am such a piece of crap for not agreeing that red is the greatest color EVER. After being attacked for that, to end the argument, I will agree that Red is the best color there is. At which time I now become a huge piece of crap for liking the color red. Of course this is the example, but its not far off.
Anyone have experience dealing with this? I know I cant win while she's bombed, but how to I convince her to STOP TAKING THEM??
I have 9 years and 2 kids on the line. My mom was a junkie, so I know first hand the effect she is going to have on our kids.
She doesn't have a script for them. She gets them from her Brother's Wife.