Name 3 pagan practices in the Catholic Church.?


Favorite Answer

Absolutely none.
So so many people know little about the Catholic faith judging by the answers.


Serial responses that explain the scriptural basis of much of what those outside think is pagan, but is in fact the teaching of Jesus himself.

Forgive me.
/Orthodox (Catholic, but not via Rome)

Jesus Christ himself told us to eat his flesh and drink his blood. Not in a cannibalistic fashion, but by his order. Those who rejected his directions "followed him no more." A sobering thought: that those who refuse to do as He said still manage to call themselves his followers. Not according to the scriptures. See Gospel of John, chapter 6. It's not long; read the whole thing.
Catholics (both Orthodox and Roman) worship only God. We know the difference between worship and honor/veneration that even St. Paul tells us to give to the honorable. See Romans 13.
"Pray" means to make requests of (as in, "Pray, tell."); it does not mean worship to those of the catholic tradition. Christian teaching is that the righteous departed -- the great cloud of witnesses -- are alive and aware of our struggles here. Who better to ask prayers of than the righteous? See Hebr 11:1 and James 5:16. Statues are not idols unless they are in the place of God; they are not. Statues are a little much for the Orthodox, but we truly understand that Roman Catholics do not worship them. See also the answer to Ford. We don't just "say" that the wine becomes the blood of Christ; with Jesus and Paul, we believe that it does, by the Holy Spirit.
There is a big difference between "repetition" and "vain repetition". The latter has no hope of being answered. Is it "vain repetition" to sing a worship chorus again and again. But you point fingers when others quote scripture "Hail Mary...Blessed is the fruit of thy womb..." See Luke 1, verses 28 and 42. It is scripture.
No catholic thinks only the pope can talk to God. It is just wrong to think that is what Catholics believe. And now it's false witness if you say that again.
Jesus Christ granted his apostles the right to forgive -- or not forgive sin; with this right passed by the laying on of hands to subsequent overseers. Read John 20. Read also James 5:16 (that one verse covers a lot of ground.) We are *supposed* to confess our faults so that we may be healed. The church figured out very early that those hearing the confessed faults of others needed some special training -- the priests these days.
What makes the sign of the cross pagan? By it, we mark upon our bodies the sign of our Lord, and so bear the cross. As we mark ourselves, we say "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen". Is that pagan? Evil? How so?


The Filioque is one. It messes up the Trinity and creates a barrier between the Father and the Son, leading to ditheism. They never should have inserted it into the Creed into the first place, as Canons from the 3rd and 4th Ecumenical Councils I believe declare anathema to anyone who alters the Creed under the authority of anything less than another Ecumenical Council. The Filioque was heretically inserted in AD 589 by the 3rd Council of Toledo and wasn't even used in the Creed until AD 1014 under the pressure of Germans.


1. Worshiping Mary

2. praying the Rosary.

3. confessing your sins to a Catholic Priest instead of God.

cursed lamanite2013-08-19T19:52:08Z

We think that Mary is God.
We think that the saints are Gods.
We think that the statues are Gods.

Of course that is not true, but that's what others seem to think that that is what we believe. Oh well.

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