If you had to make a TLC match, who would you include?

Cross promotion (TNA, WWE), any tag team ever, who is your dream matchup for a 4 way Tag Team TLC match?

For me, Team 3d vs. Hardyz vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs. Edge and Christian.


Sorry, not tag team, just teams facing each other.


Favorite Answer

It dosent matter how many temas there are, if E&C are in they win plain and simple they own the t and l and the c

W☆RLD CLA$$2013-08-19T19:47:56Z

The Hardys vs Beer Money vs the Usos vs Kenny and Johnny


Austin Aries vs. CM Punk


Rozonda Thomas and Tionne Watkins

against the shield.


None wrestling is fake and stupid mma's where its at.