so my house has a bad wolf spider infestation and my mom won't do anything about it because it cost to much and so i wake up at 4:15 to go to the bathroom when i turn on my light and oh look, a spider but when i look at it closer it's behind is big and has white dots so it's pregnant... im terrified of spiders and i would kill one if it was not pregnant, i don't know what to do, it's sitting in my corner chilling. can someone tell me what i should do please?
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Wolf spiders do not infest homes.Some times, they will wander indoors (mostly males in search of mates) but will eventually go back outside (or quickly perish). I would just leave her alone, she means no harm. The only reason you fear spider is because you have brainwashed yourself to do so. If you were to think of them as something like cats or dogs (which in most cases are by far more dangerous), instead of terrible demons, perhaps you could see them the way I (and many other people) see them.After the many spiders I have handled, I can tell you with certainty they are some of the gentlest creatures, only biting when very severely provoked, and in some cases, not even then. The best thing to do would be to catch her and release her outside, wolf spiders, again, don't do too well indoors and often quickly perish.You might watch this woman handling one: See, they are not monsters.I currently have one in captivity for observations (trying to identify the spider to exact species). Heres some images of wolf spiders, just for the hell of it: Spider often mistaken for wolf spiders, but just as harmless: Rather than doing your research on google, which most of the results are myths, hype, fearmongering, and lies, try it on the following websites:,,, and spiderzrule I really hope this answer opened your eyes to the vast and fascinating world of spiders. EDIT: @Ariel, wolf spiders are not indoor spiders and do not infest homes.
Wolf spiders do not "infest" homes. They wander in, searching for food and water. I guess that New york is "infested" with people then. Better call the North Korean exterminator! Spiderlover is correct, please read the comment.
"wolf spiders are not indoor spiders and do not infest homes. " Bulllllllllllshit. I have been terrified by these horrors in my new apartment. Three times in two months - mother spider releases hundreds of babies in my house. Kill me now. Make it stop.
Well please don't try to kill her. If she gets threatened or hurt, the spiderlings will run everywhere. If you can, just catch her with a glass and put her outside. These are really harmless spiders, but if the offspring disperse indoors, they will not survive. You don't have to fear these at all, but they can be quick if you spook them.