Smoking bans in bars EXACTLY like banning campfires at scout camp?
Smoke is smoke... The only difference is one exposes 100x more smoke to children.. Where's smoke police at scout camp?? Why can't people get over themselves and just let smoke exist in the world like has for decades without any issues until some people make up some far-fetched excuses to try and ban it??
You've all been brain washed by political agendas: ------------- The Largest study on Second Hand Smoke ever done by Enstrom “No significant associations were found for current or former exposure to environmental tobacco smoke before or after adjusting for seven confounders and before or after excluding participants with pre-existing disease. No significant associations were found during the shorter follow up periods of 1960-5, 1966-72, 1973-85, and 1973-98.”
“Enstrom has defended the accuracy of his study against what he terms ‘illegitimate criticism by those who have attempted to suppress and discredit it.’". (Wikipedia)
------ Court rules that environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is NOT a Class A carcinogen “There is evidence in the record supporting the accusation that EPA ‘cherry picked’ its data” … “EPA&
338 edge2013-08-20T08:39:02Z
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While i don't buy the second hand smoke being very bad for anyone (they used to claim nicotine was a poison with science to back it. Now they reversed nicotine as a poison and you can buy it in gum), I don't like smoking in bars. That's my personal preference. I don't think there should be a law preventing owners from allowing smoking in their own establishment. That should be the choice of the person who owns it. If they don't ban smoking, then leave it up to the public where they want to smoke or whether to allow smoking on their property.
Tobacco abusers can be identified by the mid-air stench between people-vacant aisles. This is common in any public library. I've never inhaled campfire smoke at my library. Staff won't let reader to start one using books that document tobacco use health risk. My community prevents smokers from being any closer than 25 feet from a public-use entry. Yes, I carry a tape measure and evict scofflaws. Some doors are being adjusted so if they step out for a quick hit a return entry at same door will be denied. The next entry is more likely to have consequences. Its those pesky monitors that tape illicit behavior and copies made for property management attention. I've made those copies. I smoked 30 years and quit cold turkey because I had the will power. I'm not weak.
You are right. The campaign against smoking has nothing to do with 2nd hand smoke and protecting the children. The one commercial that shows the guy smoking on his balcony and the smoke drifts over, in the window, across the living room, down the hall, and into the infants room making it cough, absurd!
What it has to do with is money. The cost of health care for the smokers who make themselves ill prematurely by choice is what has motivated the 30 year propaganda and the social modification program. The same thing needs to be done with obesity. It's a choice that creates a lot of unnecessary medical expenses also.
Anyway, to compare cigarette smoke to campfire smoke is a ridiculous comparison. Much more likely the campfire ban is related to the high fire danger and not a concern about smoke inhalation.
What are you thinking, trying to bring logic, reason and common sense to yahoo answers? Telling the truth on here just causes trouble.
I suggest next time you go camping, go to a zoo and procure some elephant dung. Make it smoulder on the edge of the campfire so it will repel mosquitoes.
Should we have a ban on garlic? That repels mosquitoes AND vampires. If people don't like the smell, too damned bad.
2nd hand smoke doesn't hurt anyone, it is just hysterical irrational Liberal control freak madness.
Not really the best analogy, campfires are in an open area where the smoke won't be trapped in with all the guests. Smoking has way more chemicals in it than plain old campfire smoke. Also 2nd hand smoke is just as bad as first hand smoke and those who wish to remain healthier don't want to be around smokers